Politiques globales
Politique d’accessibilité du Canada (English)
Radwell International
Accessibility for Ontarians With Disabilities – Multi Year Accessibility Plan
Part 1: Introduction and Background Information:
Radwell’s Multi-Year Accessibility Plan will be reviewed every five (5) years, as required according to the AODA standard this plan will be made available in accessible format upon request.
Radwell International
Radwell International stocks and sells New and Surplus Industrial Automation, MRO, Pneumatic, Motion, Electronic, Hydraulic, HVAC and Electrical Control Equipment for plant floor and facilities maintenance machinery. We also have full component level Repair capabilities for all Industrial Electronic and Electrical equipment. We also buy Surplus Industrial Controls. See our complete Line Card of brands you will find here at Radwell.ca. At Radwell International, we are committed with meeting our obligations under the AODA standard and developed our multi-year plan that outlines the company’s strategy to meet requirements under the AODA.
Radwell International’s Commitment to an Inclusive Accessible Work Environment:
Radwell International is committed to treating all people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and equal opportunity. We are committed to meeting the needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner, and will do so by preventing and removing barriers to accessibility and meeting accessibility requirements under the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (the “IASR”) of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (“AODA”)
Radwell International ‘s commitment to Accommodation:
Radwell is committed to making every reasonable effort to accommodate people with disabilities.
Radwell International Canada Automation ULC is committed to complying fully with the Provincial human rights legislation and its rules prohibiting disability discrimination. All employment practices and activities are conducted on a non-discriminatory basis. Any applicant or employee who requires an accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of the job should notify his or her supervisor or Human Resources and request such an accommodation, in writing. If the accommodation is reasonable, will not impose an undue hardship, and will not pose a direct threat to the health and safety of the individuals or others, Radwell International Canada Automation ULC will make the accommodation or may also propose an alternative accommodation. Contact Human Resources in the event that you require accommodation.
Part 2: Accessibility & Client Services at Radwell International:
Accessibility Plan:
In reference to AODA standards development committees that set targets proposed accessibility standards for what needs to happen by 2025 for the Ontario accessibility to be fully available by 2025. These policies can measure practices or other requirements that need to be met to identify, preventing, and removing barriers.
Barrier Definition: A circumstance or obstacle that keeps a person(s) apart. Person with disability, barrier can be taken in multiple forms, that can lead to communication, physical, policy, social, and or transportation.
Five Types of Barriers:
- Physical or Architectural Barriers – design elements of a building or space that cause problems for persons with disabilities.
- Informational or Communicational Barriers – things or situations that make it difficult for a person with a disability to give, receive or understand information.
- Technological Barriers – poor or inexistent technology system that can prevent people from accessing information. Common tools: computers, telephones, and other aids can all present barriers if they are not set up or designed with accessibility in mind.
- Systemic Barriers – organizational policies or practices that (often unwittingly) restrict the participation of persons with disabilities.
- Attitudinal Barriers – our perceptions of, and how we interact with, persons with disabilities.
Radwell International is committed to providing accessible customer service to people with disabilities. This means that we will provide services to people with disabilities with the same high quality and timeliness as others.
- Status: Ongoing/Complete
- Develop an accessible client service policy – Completed
- Train all employees on accessible client service during onboarding and provide refreshment training every five (5) years. – Ongoing
- Make the policy publicly available – Completed
- Establish a feedback process for receiving feedback from the public about how we are providing services to people with disabilities – Ongoing
- Make the feedback process available in accessible formats. – Ongoing
Part 3: Accessibility Policies:
Radwell International will:- Develop, implement, and maintain a corporate policy or policies governing how we will achieve accessibility – Completed
- Establish, implement, and maintain a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan – Completed
- Include within the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan a statement of commitment to meet the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timely manner – Completed
- Make the corporate policy(ies) and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan available to the public and available in accessible formats upon request. – Ongoing
At Radwell International we provide the utmost training to our employees, under the requirements of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) and on the disability-related obligations under the Ontario Human Rights Code to our Ontario employees and our employees outside of Ontario that he/she provides services to our clients in Ontario, and or any persons that may be acting behalf of Radwell International in whom are involved in the development of the companies policies; Radwell maintains records of the dated records when training is completed by individuals that completed the training.
Radwell International ensures to take the following measures to meet the guidelines that our employees are provided with inadept training needed to comply with AODA:
- Current up to date AODA training presented during the on-boarding process for all new hired employees. – Completed
- Record keeping of training completion. – Completed
Part 4: Information & Communication Standards
Radwell International provides commitment to providing information that is accessible to persons with disabilities.
- Accessible website and web content
Radwell International will follow the methods to make all new websites and content on those sites conforms with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, Level A by January 1, 2014.
Human Resources will continue to communicate with IT with any changes or updates required by the WCAG 2.0, Level A guidelines with all new web content moving forward and update existing content.
Radwell International ensures to take following actions to follow measures to provide Accessible Formats and Communication supports are made available to persons with disabilities.
- Radwell International will Put a statement about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports on our websites and in our office lobbies and, upon request, provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats. – Ongoing
- Ensure that the processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports, upon request e.g. large print, reading out loud to someone. – Ongoing
Part 5: Employment Standards
Radwell ensures to provide consistent accessible employment practices to ensure all individual is treated in a respected manner of equality.
Here at Radwell, we take full actions on providing reasonable accommodation for our employees if accommodation is needed to the individual/ persons with disability during/after the recruitment process.
When requested, Radwell takes precautions to inform the public and staff, Radwell will provide reasonable accommodation to persons with disabilities during the recruitment/assessment process when hired.
- Status: Ongoing/Complete
- On our Canadian job postings, specify that accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities. – Completed
- Inform applicants selected to participate in an assessment or selection process that accommodations are available during the recruitment process, upon request. – Completed
- Upon request, consult with the applicant and arrange for suitable accommodation. – Completed
- Notify the successful applicant, when making offers of employment, of Radwell International’s policies for accommodating associates with disabilities. – Completed
Informing Employees of Supports
Radwell informs new hires of the companies’ policy and procedures to assist employees with disabilities and keep employees up to date on updated changes made to the policy. This policy is available in Radwell International’s handbook.
Radwell informs new hires of the companies’ policy and procedures to assist employees with disabilities and keep employees up to date on updated changes made to the policy. This policy is available in Radwell International’s handbook.
- C. Documented Individual Accommodation Plans / Return to Work Process
- Radwell International will take any appropriate steps to ensure that the return to work process is evaluated properly and an action plan is developed based on the recommendation of the health practitioner and the needs of the employees. - Status: Ongoing/Complete
- On our Canadian job postings, specify that accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities. – Completed
- Inform applicants selected to participate in an assessment or selection process that accommodations are available during the recruitment process, upon request. – Completed
- Upon request, consult with the applicant and arrange for suitable accommodation. – Completed
- Notify the successful applicant, when making offers of employment, of Radwell International’s policies for accommodating associates with disabilities. – Completed
Performance Management, Career Development and Redeployment
Radwell International will ensure accessibility needs are met when considering employees for career development or redeployment.
- Status: Ongoing/Complete
- Take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and individual accommodation plans when utilizing Radwell International performance management processes. – Ongoing
- Take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities and individual accommodation plans when considering career development and advancement opportunities of employees with disabilities. – Ongoing